Peace of Mind can be Yours if Only You Will Receive it
There are three primary mistakes most people make when seeking peace of mind and purpose to bring about a change in their lives:
1. Many people live on with blocks from childhood
2. They underestimate the attractive power of emotion ( Caution: It can work both ways- either for you or against you- so beware; you really need to understand this one)
3. They don’t believe in what they ask for and so don’t expect their prayers to be answered
You cannot force peace to come to you. You can’t pressurize it. If you aren’t feeling it you aren’t calling it and you aren’t going to have it! Believe me, life is so much connected with acting. Why do you think a handful of actors win so many Grammy Awards? It is because they get so into their roles that they get their fans to believe they are really into their roles. Your unhappiness could simply be because you think your life isn’t happening the way you want it to. You forget that if all you asked for arrived at your doorstep instantly and all together you would be overwhelmed and would not know what to do with it all!