
7 steps to Increase Your Lifespan

“One of the greatest mysteries of life is that no one can predict how long his life on this planet will last; we may know the average life span of a human being but that’s it. Many people think that life expectancy is determined by genetics. However, this is not always right, as environmental factors..."

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Effective ways to let go

“These Covid days are truly challenging to get by. We often find ourselves in positions of grief due to the loss of someone we loved or feel defeated due to other unpleasant occurrences. We get caught up in moments of low and we just do not seem..."

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5 Things that Winners Always Do!

“Winning is important in life and we all want to be winners in our own fields. However, we are all not successful and one of the reasons for the lack of success is bad habits. Habits can be compared to a double edged sword. The good ones really help while the bad habits can have disastrous consequences....."

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Managing stress during busy times

“The times that we live in today can be terribly busy and often stressful. Stress was originally our body’s response to an attack on its very survival. Being chased by a killer Lion or being faced by a famine or flood or any such life threatening event was a common cause of stress. Basically stress during the human’s hunter gatherer day’s would come in waves....."

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The importance of gratitude in life

“Gratitude is probably the most important traits that you should possess. If it isn’t one of your strong points then you must begin to develop and nurture it. By practicing gratitude regularly you can virtually transform your life. Gratitude plays an important role in activating the law of attraction. You will always receive...."

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4 ways to overcome stage fright and other difficult siutuations

“Do you get nervous before important life changing events like a job interview, a performance on stage or delivering a speech to an audience? Being nervous during such moments is natural, however nervousness negatively affects the way you perform during these critical times. You could begin trembling, become fidgety, you could even sweat from your palms. Internally you begin to lose your sense..."

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Ways to Stay Focused on Your Goals and Limit Distractions

“We all love to increase our productivity in the day, however it is the distractions in life and lack of motivation that bring our productivity levels down. Staying focused on your goals despite distractions can be very tough and so I’d like to provide you with a few tips to stay focussed on your life goals at any point of time. We all have the same number of hours each day, even the most powerful man in the world..."

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3 Things to do when Days Look Dull and Hopeless

“There are days when you wake up feeling happy and bright; the world seems to be on your side and the feelings from within radiate brightness upon your face. But, there are other days that are very dull, seem hopeless and you literally need to drag yourself out of bed; you do not feel the enthusiasm to get through your day, you feel stuck in life. What do you need to do to turn around such situations? Surely they..."

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Importance of coming out of your comfort zone and ways to do it

“A comfort zone is a pretty popular place to be around in life. Everything seems to be safe and going well when you are in your comfort zone. But if you are seeking to grow and progress in life, it is definitely not a place you want to be in. The best growth in life happens outside your comfort zone. What’s interesting is that comfort zones only initially are about comfort but with time they become all about fear. You go into a cocoon of a comfort zone as you are afraid to change the status co. Move out..."

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Why are you always being hard on yourself? 5 Ways to break the Habit

“Things do not always go the way we expect they will. We face various challenges like difficulties in setting up your dream company, in personal relationships, not being able to take care of our health or whatever else the case maybe. Things just don’t seem to go right. The way we react to such situations is often by blaming it on ourselves. We either begin to blame ourselves, or indulge in self- hurt like anger. We may even resort to drinking or doing drugs. None of these ways..."

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5 Ways to embrace fear and move past it.

“Fear often shows up abruptly and unannounced. There is very little that we can do to stop fear from coming immediately, but there is lots we can do once we are faced with it. Fear makes us feel small, defeated and often puts us in places we do not want to be. Let us find ways that can help us conquer our fears and live in places that make us feel blessed..."

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How to Deal with Disappointment.

“If there is a Yin then there will always be a Yang. Much the same way all of us are often faced with disappointments. You must remember that if the Yin and Yang is true for disappointments then the converse will be true also. Disappointments can drag us to our most negative selves and keep us there for days, weeks or months together. Here are some tips to help you bounce back quickly from the drag caused by disappointments in your life..."

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“Within us we all have our inner critic who can work for our good but also work against us. Even if you don’t realise it we all do at least some amount of self-talk every day. You may not notice it but it does happen. When most of what we are saying to ourselves is negative we invite upon ourselves untold damage and misery..."

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Break away from your habit of procrastination with these 5 steps.

“How often do you find yourself putting off a task that needs to be done on priority and instead doing something else? Procrastination is one of the major success blocks that affect productivity in life. To varying degrees, all of us procrastinate. The consequences of this are felt across all aspects of our lives for example leaving office late due to the inability to complete tasks for the day, running late for meetings and engagements in the day..."

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Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People: 5 Helpful Tips

“One of the most destructive habits to indulge in is to constantly compare your life with the life of others. Whether it is the house you live in, the job you go to, the car that you drive, the relationships that you are in, comparing any of these with others will create a whole lot of unnecessary heart burn for you. At a time when we are constantly bombarded by social media with so much information about the lives of others, it may be hard not to compare your lives with your Facebook or twitter friends. You must however..."

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5 ways to get over tough situations

“Life may not seem fair it may not feel like a bed of roses especially when things don’t go the way you want them to. But is life good or is it bad? The answer depends on you. If you see life as bad, it will be so. Life is what you make of it. Life isn’t easy for sure but that does not mean it is bad. We are often faced with horribly tough situations such as the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a job, or a health issue or maybe even the loss of a home. These Covid times can bring out the worst..."

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7 Life Changing Benefits of Journaling Daily

“We are all writing all through our lives on a daily basis. We either do it when we write out a work email, create an invoice, text a friend, make a shopping list and so on. If you go back to your school days you will recollect that you were always encouraged to write. Writing has several physical and mental benefits. If you take down notes, you are..."

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Ways to Create and Maintain a Positive Energy Life which will Attract All You Desire

“We live in a world of energy. We are particles of energy moving together at a particular
vibration which gives us our form. The universe is one massive ball of energy! What we don’t understand is that energy has two poles. The positive and the negative. If you don’t attract the positive then you are surely attracting the negative. There is nothing called a neutral; energy..."

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5 Ways to create a sense of calm amidst chaos

“Chaos in life is inevitable, however how we handle it is completely up to us. Let’s observe the world today. A world that seemed fine a few months back is now battling one of the deadliest pandemics of all time. Covid-19 has changed lives. Almost all of us are affected in some way or the other; some more than others. Sicknesses, loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, hunger, stress, anxiety have been the outcomes of the pandemic..."

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Love more and fear less

“We all have one thing in common and that is the need to feel loved. Love literally makes the world go round. The strongest of all our emotions is love and its opposite, fear is equally strong. While love uplifts humanity, fear restricts us and is a powerful source of negativity. Unfortunately, right from our childhood we are raised and controlled with fear by our parents and teachers who do so without realizing the life-long damage that they cause us..."

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The importance of a Life Coach?

“Almost all successful people in whichever part of the world have or have had a Coach or a Mentor who has helped them get to where they are. Remember that life is as difficult and complicated for highly successful people as it is for you. Each of us at our own level is challenged by life’s complexities. Everyone feels the pressure of obligation, anxiety and stress - the daily wage worker to earn a couple of dollars is stressed out and anxious lest he lose his daily wage..."

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5 Ways To Overcome A Success-Blocking Mindset by Mario Sequeira

“TNever setting goals and then never starting off with our set goals is one of the biggest blocks to avoid. Our mind is our number one tool to achieve success. And ironically the number one tool for our failures. If you wish to create the life that you deserve, you need to start by creating a new mind-set. If you continuously blame your past for your present situation, you will get nowhere. I present to you 5 ways which will help you attract tons..."

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How can I find Inner Peace?

“We are constantly battling internal and external chaos almost every single day of our lives. Negative emotions triggered by life around the Coronavirus, our hectic work schedules and overthinking can often drain the life out of us. We are all on a quest to find inner peace but don’t know where to find it...."

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How to Create a Winning Mindset

“If you are one of those looking to be a winner then you need to create a winners mind set. If that is what you aspire to be then you are in the right place. I will show you how to achieve this with ease. A lot of people like you fail to develop a winner’s mind set because they continue to take advice from unsuccessful people. It is essential that you keep yourself..."

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Position yourself for greater abundance

“In this perfect universe nothing happens by accident. It is you who orchestrates the events that unfold in your life. Even this moment right now… You are reading my blog because the universe has aligned your thoughts and has brought you here. I repeat- there are no coincidences. If you are seeking to attract abundance in your life, you are surely in the right place..."

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How to promote a positive mindset if you’ve lost your job during the coronavirus pandemic

“Becoming unemployed can be a very stressful event in one’s life, more so now when stress is already at a high due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The corona virus is something beyond our control, but how we react to it is entirely in our hands. The virus being a worldwide problem has shaken the economy and the chances of getting a new job anytime soon are slim. Adding to these fears is the fear of falling sick, the anxiety of not being able to provide..."

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Rise above today’s Covid Scenario with these life hacks designed by Mario Sequeira

“Not everything is permanent. Corona Virus is not here to stay forever. There is a lot to be concerned about but nothing to be afraid of! Uncertainties associated with the pandemic will rattle you. This is only natural. It is human. As soon as you become aware that you are being rattled stand-up and dust yourself clear of all fear. You are not alone. You are an integral part of the universe and well..."

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